我們的醫療護送團隊,由資深醫生、護士及緊急醫療人員組成。各成員均曾接受專業之 護送醫學、創傷支援、急症處理 等基本訓練;並持有有效的 歐洲復甦協會 或 美國心臟協會 簽發之 基本生命支援術 及 高級生命支援術 證書。部分成員更曾先後接受 婦產科、中風處理、新生嬰兒、兒科高級生命支援術、運動醫學、航空生理學、醫療團隊管理學 等專門深造訓練,務求全方位照顧不同傷病者的醫療需要。
如需協助或查詢,請立即致電 (+852) 5401 9000
、或電郵至 escort@hkrs.org 與我們的當值救援主管聯絡。
In view of the rapid increase in demand for local and international medical transportation or repatriation service, we are delighted to set up the Hong Kong Resuscitation Services, providing 24-hour patient transportation, medical escort or repatriation services.
Our escort team is formed by experienced doctors, nurses and emergency medical technicians. All the team members have gone through specialized basic training including escort medicine, trauma life support and management of medical emergencies. Every member of our team is a valid Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support holder, certified by either European Resuscitation Council or American Heart Association. In order to fulfill the medical needs of different patient types, some of our members have also been trained in specialties like obstetrics, stroke care, neonatal resuscitation, paediatric life support, sport medicine, flight physiology, crew resources management, etc.
Quality and safety are always guaranteed and put in top priority of our services. Aiming to ensure the best practice, every single escort or repatriation case report will be pre-approved or reviewed by an emergency physician or experienced registered nurse.
Should there be any enquiry or assistance required, please contact our Duty Rescue Officer on
(+852) 5401 9000
, or email to escort@hkrs.org
我們的駐場服務團隊,由資深醫生、護士、緊急醫療人員及合資格急救員組成。各成員均具豐富之駐場服務經驗,並持有醫護人員資歷、或由勞工處根據 職安健條例第509A章 認可之急救培訓機構簽發的急救證書。部分成員更曾先後接受 駐場醫學、運動急救、創傷支援、急症處理 等深造訓練,務求全方位照顧不同傷病者的醫療需要。
如需協助或查詢,請立即致電 (+852) 9032 8527、或電郵至 event@hkrs.org 與我們的當值服務主管聯絡。
Medical staff are always required to standby during public or mass event. We have rich experience in providing medical or first aid service for different organizations and functions.
Our event service team is formed by experienced doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians and qualified first aiders. All the team members are either qualified health care providers, or first aid certificate holders issued by training bodies, which are authorized by the HKSAR Labour Department under Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (CAP 509A). In order to fulfill the medical needs of different patient types, some of our members have also gone through specialized trainings such as event medicine, sport first aid, trauma life support, management of medical emergencies, etc.
Quality and safety are always guaranteed and put in top priority of our services. Aiming to ensure the best practice, every single application for service will be planned and pre-approved by an experienced registered nurse and an emergency medical technician.
Should there be any enquiry or assistance required, please contact our Duty Service Officer on (+852) 9032 8527, or email to event@hkrs.org
At least SEVEN working days prior to event date is required for planning and preparation.
除以上所列的標準課程外,本會可為 貴組織 “度身訂造” 各類課程。無論是三五成群,還是國際企業,本會亦能針對 閣下或 貴機構之培訓需要,設計最合適之訓練並將之 “送到府上”,務求為 閣下或 貴機構爭取最高的成本效益。
如需協助或查詢,請立即致電 (+852) 9032 8527、或電郵至 training@hkrs.org 與我們的當值訓練主管聯絡。
We offer various kinds of resuscitation related trainings as listed below:
Upon completion of the above courses with assessments, well recognized qualifications and certificates could be issued from a number of local or international authoritive organizations.
Besides the above standard trainings, we are highly flexible in tailor-making or combining any suitable courses to be held on-site, targeting for a small interest group or a large batch of colleagues from worldwide enterprise, to achieve your highest cost effectiveness.
Should there be any enquiry or assistance required, please contact our Duty Training Officer on (+852) 9032 8527, or email to training@hkrs.org
一旦意外發生,現場之急救人員往往因為事故突如其來,未能及時反應或表現出最佳的復甦水準。唯有重覆的訓練或演習,才能溫故知新、並將 “始料不及” 漸漸演變成 “條件反射” 的技術。
本會曾為各類型的組織或機構,舉辦不同規模的演習或比賽,發現此舉不但能加強各參與者對復甦技巧的運用與掌握、亦同時增添 貴組織或機構的凝聚力、以至提昇整體的士氣。
如需協助或查詢,請立即致電 (+852) 9032 8527、或電郵至 training@hkrs.org 與我們的當值訓練主管聯絡。
Any emergency coming to life can cause panic, which always leads to inefficient response from bystanders and ineffective performance on resuscitation. While practice makes perfect, through ongoing trainings and drills, we can turn the response in unexpected events into build-in reflexes.
Our previous experience on holding drills and competitions for different organizations reveals that, through these events, not only the knowledge and skills of resuscitation can be strengthened, but also the general cohesiveness and morale of the organization can be enhanced.
Should there be any enquiry or assistance required, please contact our Duty Training Officer on (+852) 9032 8527, or email to training@hkrs.org
如需協助或查詢,請立即致電 (+852) 9032 8527、或電郵至 consult@hkrs.org 與我們的當值服務主管聯絡。
With our extensive experience in training and resuscitation, we are proud to be appointed as the consultant of several medical equipment corporations and related agents. 24-hour first aid advisory service is also provided to different organizations which have participated in our previous trainings.
Any accident or sudden unexpected event may impose intense negative feelings of fear, helplessness or horror on the rescuers or bystanders. Some of the participants may develop more severe post-traumatic symptoms which can affect their daily life, work or social functions. In addition to first aid advisory service, our psychological support team can also provide post-event debriefing and individual counseling services, so as to relieve the negative influence on the concerned parties, and to identify the ones in need for further professional referral.
Should there be any enquiry or assistance required, please contact our Duty Service Officer on (+852) 9032 8527, or email to consult@hkrs.org